SOCRatES: a database of realistic data for SOurce Camera REcognition on Smartphones


SOCRatES: SOurce Camera REcognition on Smartphones, is an image and video database especially designed for source digital camera recognition on smartphones. It answers to two specific needs, the need of wider pools of data for the developing and benchmarking of image forensic techniques, and the need to move the application of these techniques on smartphones, since, nowadays, they are the most employed devices for image capturing and video recording. What makes SOCRatES different from all previous published databases is that it is collected by the smartphone owners themselves, introducing a great heterogeneity and realness in the data. SOCRatES is currently made up of about 9.700 images and 1000 videos captured with 104 different smartphones of 15 different makes and about 60 different models. With 104 different devices, SOCRatES is the database for source digital camera identification that includes the highest number of different sensors. In this paper we describe SOCRatES and we present a baseline assessment based on the Sensor Pattern Noise computation.

In International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods.